Other Publications
- Magnetic logic driven by electric current, P. Gambardella, Z. Luo, and L. J. Heyderman, Physics Today 74, 62 (2021). Download article (PDF, 779 KB)
- Chiral twist in mesoscopic magnetic systems, A. Hrabec, Z. Luo, T.P. Dao, P. Gambardella, L.J. Heyderman, Communications of the Swiss Physical Society 59, 34, 2019. Download article (PDF, 708 KB)
- Experimental realisation of single-atom magnets, F. Donati, S. Rusponi, S. Stepanow, C. Wäckerlin, A. Singha, L. Persichetti, R. Baltic, K. Diller, F. Patthey, E. Fernandes, J. Dreiser, Ž. Šljivančanin, K. Kummer, C. Nistor, H. Brune, P. Gambardella, ESRF Highlights 2016. Download article (PDF, 1.3 MB)
- Tuning the magnetism of 3d-metal Phthalocyanine adlayers by electron doping, S. Stepanow, A. Lodi Rizzini, C. Krull, J. Kavich,, J.C. Cezar, F. Yakhou-Harris, P.M. Sheverdyaeva, P. Moras, C. Carbone, G. Ceballos, A. Mugarza, and P. Gambardella, ESRF Highlights 2014. external page article
- Coupling of single molecule magnets to ferromagnetic metals, A. Lodi Rizzini, C. Krull, T. Balashov, J.J. Kavich, A. Mugarza, P.S. Miedema, P.K. Thakur, V. Sessi, S. Klyatskaya, M. Ruben, S. Stepanow, and P. Gambardella, ESRF News 2012. external page article
- Orbital moment anisotropy in heterostructures with strong Rashba interaction measured by vector-resolved XMCD, C. Nistor, T. Balashov, J. J. Kavich, A. Lodi Rizzini, B. Ballesteros, G. Gaudin, S. Auffret, B. Rodmacq, S. S. Dhesi, and P. Gambardella, Diamond Annual Review 2011/2012.
- Spin-orbit torques in ultrathin ferromagnetic metal layers, I. M. Miron, G. Gaudin, S. Auffret, B. Rodmacq, A. Schuhl, S. Pizzini, Jan Vogel, and P. Gambardella, Proc. SPIE 7760, 77600Z (2010). Download article (PDF, 1.4 MB)
- Contribution to Magnetization Dynamics on the Nanoscale in Ultrafast Phenomena at the Nanoscale: Science opportunities at the SwissFEL X-ray Laser, Edited by B. P. Patterson, Paul Scherrer Institut, 2009.
- Supramolecular control of the magnetic anisotropy in two-dimensional high-spin Fe arrays at a metal interface, P. Gambardella, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Highlights 2009. Download article (PDF, 525 KB)
- Italian science: greater expectations? P. Gambardella, Correspondence to Nat. Mater. 2006. Download article (PDF, 107 KB)
- Oscillatory magnetic behavior in one-dimensional atomic wires, P. Gambardella, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Highlights 2004. external page article
- Giant atomic magnetic anisotropy, P. Gambardella, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Highlights 2003. external page article
- Magnetic moments of isolated atoms at surfaces, P. Gambardella, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Highlights 2002. external page article