Elias Baumann's Matura Thesis wins EPFL's Prix des Matériaux
For his thesis entitled "Thickness Identification of 2D Materials by Optical Imaging: Exploring the Relation between Colour and Thickness of FePS3 and NbSe2", Elias Baumann was awarded the "Prix des Matériaux" by the Department of Materials of the Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne. The thesis was written in our group under the supervision of Niklas Kercher, the supervisor from Realgymnasium Rämibühl was Yee Ling Willems-Ong. For his great work, we congratulate Elias and wish him all the best for the future. external page Further Information
Federica Nasr Wins Best Poster Award at ICMFS 2024
At the International Conference on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (ICMFS) 2024, held in Perugia from 7 to 12 July, Federica Nasr was awarded the best poster prize for her poster entitled "Spin-Orbit Torques and Magnetisation Switching in Gd/Fe Multilayers Generated by Current Injection in NiCu Alloys".

Marco Hoffmann and Niklas Kercher Win Best Poster Prize at ICM 2024
At the International Conference on Magnetism (ICM) 2024 in Bologna, which took place from 30 June to 5 July 2024 with 2048 participants, our group won two of the 54 poster prizes awarded. Out of 1275 posters presented, we won two poster prizes in different sessions.
In the first poster session on Monday, Niklas Kercher's updated version of "Spin-Orbit Torque-Driven Magnetisation Switching in a Fe3GeTe2-WTe2 Heterostructure" and in the third session on Wednesday, Marco Hoffmann's poster entitled "Pulse Shaping Strategies for Efficient Switching of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions by Spin-Orbit Torque" convinced the jury.

Elias Baumann wins Cantonal Matura Thesis Jury Award
As part of his Matura project, Elias Baumann worked in our group on van der Waals materials under the supervision of Niklas Kercher from our group and Yee Ling Willems-Ong from Realgymnasium Rämibühl. He focused on the thickness dependence of the colour impression of exfoliated materials on silicon-silicon dioxide surfaces and compared theory and experiment. His work, titled "Thickness Identification of 2D Materials by Optical Imaging: Exploring the Relation between Colour and Thickness of FePS3 and NbSe2", was selected for the cantonal exhibition of the best Matura projects and also won one of the 5 jury prizes. We wish him all the best for the future and hope to see him soon in one of our courses. external page Further Information

Niklas Kercher Wins Best Poster Prize at 803. WE-Heraeus-Seminar
Niklas Kercher was awarded the prize for the best poster at the 803. WE-Heraeus seminar on "Towards Functional van der Waals Magnets by Unlocking Synergies with Orbitronics, Magnonics, Altermagnetism, and Optics", which took place from 2 to 5 January at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef. His poster "Spin-Orbit Torque-Driven Magnetisation Switching in a Fe3GeTe2-WTe2 Heterostructure" was chosen among two others.

Aishwarya Vishwakarma wins the Young Investigator Pitch at the 6th ETH Raman Workshop
Aishwarya Vishwakarma won the Young Investigator Pitch at the 6th ETH Raman Workshop held at ETH Zurich with over 140 registered participants. The workshop, which took place from 7-9 June, brought together experts and researchers to discuss the latest advances in Raman spectroscopy. Aishwarya's winning talk was selected along with two others by the workshop organising committee.