Neurospin School 2022
EPFL - ETH Zurich joint summer school

It was a great pleasure to co-organize the EPFL-ETH Zurich summer school "NeuroSpin School 2022: Spin based device architectures for neuromorphic computing and storage" from 22-26 August at EPFL in Lausanne.
This all-student-organized school had an active and enthusiastic participation of over 26 students from the ETH domain (external page EPFL, external page ETH Zürich, external page Empa and Paul Scherrer Institut) as well as from all around Europe. The school was successful in connecting PhD students, master students and postdocs working in diverse fields from magnetism to organic electronics, machine learning and neural information processing. Despite working in different research fields, we came together with a similar vision of understanding and exploring horizons of unconventional and sustainable computing.

We were fortunate to have guest lecturers from the backgrounds of computational neuroscience, spintronics, magnonics and artificial spin systems: Dr. Mihai Petrovici, Dr. Alice Mizrahi, Prof. Erik Folven, Dr. Naëmi Leo, Dr. Kevin Garello, Dr. Aleksandr Kurenkov, Prof. Philipp Pirro and Prof. Gyorgy Csaba. Their inspiring lectures as well as exercise sessions on different simulation and programming softwares was a golden opportunity for us to expand our skillset and knowledge sphere related to computing devices.
The organizing committee (EPFL: Shreyas Joglekar, Andrea Mucchietto, Mohammad Hamdi; ETH/PSI: Laura van Schie, Zhentao Liu, Marco Hoffmann) greatly thanks all the guest speakers and participants as well as the Doctoral school of EPFL (EDOC) and ETH Zurich for giving us an opportunity to organize the school and look forward to more of such events in future!